30 Innovative & Actionable Ways to Recruit Blood Donors From Multiple Generations

The world is changing. Our donor mix is changing and the same old marketing methods aren’t working any more. While baby boomers might still be picking up the phone or refrain from fast forwarding through television commercials, millennials are moving at the speed of light, continuously involved in the next big mobile app, social network, or viral cause.

So how can we reach our evolving base of donors?

  • We need to change our behaviors.
  • We need to disrupt our organizations.
  • And we need to innovate our practices.

Join Billie Johnson, VP of Client Results, on February 26th at 2pm EST if you are struggling to find the most effective way to recruit blood donors.

What will you take away?

  • An in-depth look into generational differences and how it impacts blood donor recruitment.
  • 30 innovative and actionable ways blood centers and other nonprofits are transforming their marketing communication to reach multiple generations of donors.
  • A guide for organizing all of your new marketing projects.
  • Q&A session with leading blood donor recruitment expert, Billie Johnson.

For more information and to register, please click here.